Q. What is the best pathway to a career in Defence?
The defence industry and defence forces are vital sectors in Australia that provide security, stability and prosperity for our nation and our allies.
They also offer many career opportunities for secondary school students who are interested in serving their country, developing their skills and working with cutting-edge technology.
There are many possible educational pathways to a career in the defence industry or defence forces for an Australian secondary school student, depending on your interests and goals. Here are some options you may consider:
Education - the weapon of choice
Defence Industry Pathways Program:
This is a program developed by South Metropolitan TAFE and the Royal Australian Navy in Western Australia, which aims to give school-leavers and others an initial experience in the defence industry through placements with relevant employers.
You can learn about various fields such as engineering, fabrication, electrical, electronics and information technology, and gain a Certificate II in Engineering Pathways upon completion. You can also explore further study and employment opportunities in the defence industry.
Defence Industry Skilling and STEM Support:
This is a strategy developed by the Australian Government to help Australian defence industry to meet its workforce skills requirements over the coming decade.
It focuses on four key areas, engaging, attracting, training and retaining a national defence industry workforce. You can access information about defence industry career opportunities, support for STEM studies and careers, and funding for skills development and training.
Defence & Industry Study Course:
This is an annual course delivered by the Department of Defence for ADF officers, Defence public servants and industry executives. It aims to promote a better understanding and engagement of both Defence and industry in order to improve Australia's defence capability.
You can apply for this course if you have at least five years of experience in a relevant field and are nominated by your employer. You will learn about various aspects of the defence environment, such as policy, strategy, capability development, acquisition, sustainment and operations.
Military academic pathways:
This is a pathway offered by Flinders University for former or current ADF members who want to pursue higher education.
You can use your prior service and qualifications from the ADF as a pathway to a wide range of undergraduate or postgraduate courses at Flinders University. You can also access academic support, scholarships, mentoring and networking opportunities.
There are several educational pathways you can take to pursue a career in defence in Australia. Here are some options:
- Apply for the Defence civilian undergraduate sponsorship program
- Participate in the Defence Work Experience Program
which provides opportunities for young Australians interested in a career at Defence to gain exposure to the type of work that is available
which include scholarships, work experience, sponsorships and paid cadetships